Thursday, February 17, 2011

For Goodness Sake

Today was a good day, despite bad news at my doctors office...I also got good news....I didn't gain any weight this winter my doctor said....Yay! I said oh that is the best news! I am managing to maintain status quo! I have not been well. My blood pressure is not under control and I am already on three medecines for it. So now one of the meds is being increased. I hope the energy comes back high blood pressure can make you feel very tired so can a thyroid problem. I have that too plus a plethora more medical problems all other stories in of themselves. I want to feel good this Spring. Quickly back to high blood pressure you can get nasty headaches and ringing in your ears ~ I also have those two symptoms. My ears are screaming at me.....I hate this symptom the most. Well hopefully with more meds I will start to feel better quickly. It warmed up a bit today and the snow has started melting some....I am praying for an early Spring! How about you?

1 comment:

  1. "Garden Notes" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
