Thursday, January 10, 2013

On a Thursday

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalms 118:8

I can't believe that I have neglected my blog. I was doing so well last year. Well here is my first post for the New Year 2013. It is a Thursday. Not much new has happened this year so far. I have been doing a massive amount of reading at night. I read the Terri Schiavo story yesterday. Got me thinking about putting together a living will. I really need to do this. I will ask my doctor about it when I see her next month. The tummy troubles continue since the Paxil withdrawals. Not as bad as they were. I am hoping they stop. I don't know what is causing it stress, meds, certain foods, or illness/disease.

My son has decided he wants to get his own place. So I will be moving within the next 6 months. I can't afford to stay on here and I don't want a roommate. I will start the huge task of decluttering and packing. Giving away and throwing away. I hope I can afford a one bedroom apartment when the time comes or it will be a small effeciency for me. I always hope and pray I can have a cat. Through Him all things are possible.

Today, Glenna, we believe God wants you to know that ...

all emotions grow in size when practiced regularly.

Practice love to have more love, practice hate to have more hate. Practice kindness to have more kindness, practice depression to have more depression. The choice is yours as always.

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