Friday, December 30, 2011


It is not for you to judge the journey of another's soul. It is for you to decide who you are, not who another has been, or has failed to be. ~ Neale Donald Walsch

As the New Year 2012 approaches I am feeling no great excitement. It just seems like that day comes and goes for me sometimes. I do plan on having a Chinese dinner tomorrow night. Egg drop soup crab ragoon and chicken with cashews~all my favorites. It is going to be an interesting year with changes taking place already so I guess I should be very grateful and embrace the new year. I will be asleep and then the fireworks in the neighborhood will wake me up. I prefer to stay home now that I am getting older.

2011 was a fun year of watching my two grandsons grow up, spending time with my son who lives with me, and a not so fun time of being really sick and hospitilized for 4th of July. I enjoyed my CF group online this year and look forward to spending 2012 with them. I found out about this year and I love it so much. I am looking forward to more fun with that in 2012 too. I hope we have another family reunion in 2012. What are you looking forward to in the new year?

It has been consistently cold for awhile now twenties. It is 25 this morning. I don't watch the weather report much I can tell when it is going to snow by how the clouds look. This morning there are very few clouds it is just a light grey everywhere. This is depressing at times. No sun and then it is dark at 4 PM in the afternoon. I am going to start taking additional Vitamin D. I start my days at 4 AM that way I at least get 12 hours of awake if I can stay awake for all of it. HA HA I love my naps in the afternoon. By then my body hurts so much from sitting and standing that I need to lie down and sleep. I suffer a lot of physical pain with fibromyalgia, RSD and residual pain from cancer surgery. I think I am a pretty tough cookie though. I am learning to live with the way things are. God has a plan! You better believe it even for me!

My grandsons Christmas morning 2011 God has a plan for me!


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