Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Big Fish Story

Yield to obey each other because you respect Christ. Ephesians 5:21
So amazing is the size of this fish, an alligator gar. When I lived in FL we went fishing one day and caught a 5 gallon bucket full of these fish of course much smaller. They had so many teeth. We released all of them. The thrill of finding a school of them was so much fun. They put up a good fight even when little.

I am up early again this morning woke up at 5:30 AM EST in Southern NH it is 70 degrees and rained over night, 86 is expected to be the for a high today. I have no plans this weekend except to stay cool. With several fans going and the window A/C it is comfortable in here. Outside was like a sauna yesterday. I ran my errands yesterday and when I got home I felt so sick and tired from the heat. I slept away most of the afternoon and into the evening. I woke up late and ate something light. I am really having to make myself eat in spite of the fact that my mouth hurts from dental surgery this past Monday. It is healing but takes time. Praise Him for the dental care and a good dental surgeon.

This looks like an interesting forum to get craft ideas.

How to Make  a Rag Quilt

Yummy my Mother used to make rhubarb pie. I loved it.

On this day of your life, Glenna, we believe God wants you to know ... that as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held.
All is well, all is well, all is well.
All is well! All will be well!

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