Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rain Again

Train children to live the right way, and when they are old, they will not stray from it. Proverbs 22:6

Oh it is rainy and gloomy again today. The temperature here is 59. Here is Southern NH. Just above Boston. The talk on Mother's Day was to go to the aquarium in Boston sometime soon. I told my son if he ever took his kids to the zoo. Nana wanted to be there. I want to do things with my grandsons now that they are older 2 and 4. I want to see them when they are not sick. Of course I will always care for them when they are sick. I think I will pass on tummy sickness though. I got it bad from the younger grandson about a month ago or so. Everybody had it! I have to be careful because I am a diabetic. Speaking of diabetes. I was really sick from it yesterday. The past few days I have been swinging from low lows to the highest high's for me yet. I seem to feel better this morning. I woke up just before seven AM EST. One thing I like to do is give Him praise for the day. Write about interesting things. Hopefully today or one day later on someone will enjoy what I write about. Perhaps?

My new addition to the garden is the Gerbera Daisy so I did some reading up about it. I found that there was a clump of three daisies that all grew together on my plant. Amazing! I cut it off and stuck it in some water and put it nearby my desk area. I have taken several pictures of the cutting. One thing I learned was to only use 1/2" of water with a cutting. They do not like to be in a lot of water.

Triple Gerbera Daisy cutting

Here are some links I found about the Gerbera Daisy



Well maybe today I will do what I was supposed to do yesterday. I fell ill with diabetes complications and slept all afternoon. I want to start working on the visual art journal page. I pulled a bunch of pieces I would like to include of course way too much for such a small space. I also have to see what color preferences the person I am sending this to may have. Maybe even their favorite season could be dipicted some how. Gardens go in stages with the different seasons. Especially winter they seem to disappear.

Where ever you are enjoy the season's beauty and have a wonder filled day!

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