Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thank You God

Father, help me to be patient when dealing with people. "Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus." Romans 15:5

Father, today I thank You for this moment!

I want to express my thanks to You for the seemingly small, often overlooked things. Thank You for a warm place when the temperatures are dropping, and help me to remain mindful of those who have no home. Thank You for family and gatherings. Lord, open my eyes to those who feel they have no place. Thank You for these moments with You, and most of all make me aware of those around me who don't have a relationship with Your dear Son. Use me today, and may I truly live as You planned in each moment of this life You have given! In Jesus name, Amen!

So I painted the top of my gratuity jar . The metal lid and it dried and peeled off. This is craft room craziness. I am thinking a round sticker might wotk. I will have to see what I can put together. Hmmmm! Of course the jar is fine the way it is too.

Found some more money today in lotto tickets that were given to me. I am almost done putting them all in the computer. I have a few small stacks of ones left to do.

God you know what I have going on in my life right now please comfort me and make things turn out ok. I can't stress on bills not being paid and disconnect notices for electric right before Christmas or any time for that matter. No foodstamps God I know where I can get some food.  Finding a church to attend. I turn this all over to you and you worry for me. I will do what I can. I need to be independant. Live on my own perhaps! A smaller place just a room! I am so thankful I have a roof over my head for today. Thank you!

I found this picture from last years stocking swap with my Christian Friends group on Swapbot.

I don't have any plans but to clean my home. do laundry and go to the PO streetbox to send mail plus the corner store to collect my money. The usual correspodence on line and Scrabble games too.

Today, Glenna, we believe God wants you to know that ...

it's good to remember.

Think about the times that you felt close to God, when love and joy pulsed through your veins. Dwell on these times, especially when life isn't easy and trouble seems to compete for your attention. Any situation can be improved if you remember to remember God.

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